
New Album   2013.03.25



"ISOTOPE"は GillesPeterson . LaurentGarnir . JoeDavis をはじめ あらゆるジャンルの名プロデューサーから賞賛を得

ヨーロッパ全土 北米 オセアニアを席巻 ヨーロッパではアルバム毎に進化をとげてきた音楽性の今作がJ'sBeeの完成型と称される

Japan does it again. Jazz refreshed for all to feel via J's bee...”

Gilles Peterson (BBC 6 Music)

When I first heard the record, I was nicely surprised and after signing the record, thanks to Koh Uemura, I was over the moon. J’s bee have an amazing sound with great songs, big up the Japanese Jazz Massive, ‘Isotope’ is a killer CD.

Joe Davis (Far Out Recordings)

I absolutely love the album.

Laurent Garnier

Incredible album...Far Out have done it again, highlighted some more great music that otherwise we wouldn’t know about...really refreshing and modern.

Nick Luscombe (Via Monocle 24)

Nice video - and mighty fine music! I'd love to see them live.

Mark Sampson (Songlines)

...listened this morning and WOW... I'll be hammering this for months!!!

Simon Harrison (Basic Soul)

Lovely project, will give radio support....the new J’s Bee album which truly is a thing of wonder

James (Audio Texture)